1) This completed form For Sure for MEN
This completed form For Sure® with Natural Extracts FREE
This completed form For Sure® MAX FREE
2) Attach the “Try Me Free” sticker from the
package of the Sure® for Men product here:
3) Original store identifi ed cash register receipt
dated between 1/1/09 and 3/31/10, with the
Sure® for Men product circled and the UPC
code written on the back
Mail To:
Sure® for Men TMF Offer
Dept # IB08-1030
P.O. Box 472
Scottsdale, AZ 85252-0472
Terms and Conditions: Requests must be postmarked by April 30, 2010. Offer valid only in the USA. Void
where taxed, restricted or prohibited. One submission per name, family, household or address. Limit one offer
form per envelope. P.O. boxes will not be paid. Photocopies of this form or receipts will not be accepted. Allow
6-8 weeks after mailing for delivery of your check.